Ora the explorer
Louis the Pooey

Hey guys!
Ora the explorer here

and (of course) my Assistant
Louis the Pooey

Travelling and spending time with my 2yr old Pup Louis are my passions in life.
(He's that cute little teddybear with a stick in his mouth that he knows he shouldn't have) *facepalm*

However, the life I was living consisted of me being at work all day everyday, often doing overtime and Louis being at Daycare

3days a week.
I guess this journey for me was looooong overdue and started when I hit a wall at work.
I was stressed, burnt out from being consistently understaffed, overworked, with little to no acknowledgement, appreciation and no improvements insight.
I started noticing the weekends getting shorter and shorter and before I knew, its Monday and I had to repeat the cycle all over again


I felt stuck. I felt like I
wasn't living the life I wanted, I felt that I was living to work.
I spent the entire year looking forward to that one 3-4week annual leave when I could FINALLY go and do what I wanted....


WHAT IF I could make that 4week holiday my life?
WHAT IF everyday felt like a weekend?
WHAT IF I could ditch the Doggy Daycare and spend every day with Louis?
WHAT IF I could travel the World and get paid while doing it?
WHAT IF I could work WHEN I wanted and for only a few hours a day?

I knew WHAT kind of life I wanted, but I didn't know HOW to get it...

silver imac on white table
silver imac on white table

Until I found
Freedom Affiliate Launch

When I envisioned the life I wanted, I knew generating an online income was the way.
I had seen countless online sidehustles/money making schemes.. Printify, Amazon, e-commerce, drop-shipping.
But all of these were either over-saturated markets, didn't apply to countries outside the USA, large down payments to invest in products

(which was risky).
I had even tried a couple of other Affiliate Marketing courses. None of them offered the support and step by step help that someone like me
(with NO experience) needed, and none had proven member success rates, not by everyday people like me anyway..

I stumbled across
The Freedom Formula designed by an Australian couple catered to people GLOBALLY
and if I'm honest? it seemed too good to be true.
It not only offers a simple step by step course, but also a supported community of amazing likeminded people living the kind of life that I could only hope for. Everyday people (ex nurses, plumbers,
retail-workers) earning a LOT of money who started in the same place I was.
A course that you do in your free time at your own pace where they teach you digital skills, how to earn an online income, how to envision your "ideal life" and manifest it through affiliate marketing.
I took the plunge, watched their

Free Masterclass and I haven't looked back since.
They really do make everything soo easy and now Im living a life I never thought possible.

Feel free to follow my journey through affiliate marketing and see how it can work for you

See you on the Gram!
Ora the explorer
Louis the Pooey

Freedom Affiliate Launch

An education & income stream that will teach you to build a digital affiliate income
even if you’re like me and and new to the online digital world!

Experience Freedom

Learn the digital skills that will allow you work from wherever you want, whenever you want. Experience time, location & financial freedom.

Earn an online income

We’ll show you how to start earning in the online space, even if you don’t have a product or service of your own.

Claim back your time

Ready to stop trading your time for money? We’ll show you the framework and systems you’ll need to make it happen.